Sunday, September 28, 2008

We are back + a lazy day

Well we are back..well not really us but PL2.She went to go visit her sister in New Jersey AND SHE DIDN"T EVEN GO AND SEE ASTA!!! Geesh(but she said she wasn't very close to her so she will go another time.....) Her sister lives out in the middle of the boonies and one night PL2 was looking out the kitchen window AND SAW THIS.....................on the porch(don't forget..PL2 is a city girl.....
Then he looked in at her.....and she thought he said ha ha where are A+A now!!! A GOPHER( at least that what she thinks it is but what does she really know.....Imagine the cheek of that kid to taunt her like that..YOU KNOW what we would have done!!!!!!!
The next night she looked out AND SAW THIS!!!!!!!!!!! It looks like a masked bandit but it is a RACCOON!!!!!!!!

This kid looked in and also said to her Hey where are the famous A+A!(these Jersey kids have a lot of nerve....)And the next night she saw a TURKEY out there but wasn't quick enough with the camera..)
Well we were at home taking care of PL1. I was taking over the duties of the house and Archie was.... well ... being Archie . There was a little mishap with a flair pen,but to be honest Joey did dare him to use a flair the next time.... and he didn't get any on his beard or the floor...(because he got caught very quickly in the game)Today we are just hanging around and playing inside because it is raining. And we have to catch up on EVERYONES blogs and read all about what has been happening. Now I am back in training because I have another try for my "E" in October. Of course Archie has taken on the role of my coach again as he is still not aloud to participate. Here I am trying out some football moves on him(you may ask what do football moves have to do with earthdog?? Nothing but it is part of my training... Note the slam Archie's head into the pillow maneuver, a tactic many football players use...)

Then we decided to take a break.......

I am so tired I couldn't even make it the whole way under my bomb shelter....

And this is how we ended up.........OK we are off to read!!!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sugar Lips Archie,My brother

So we were hanging around doing nothing when the front doorbell rang and we FLEW off of the bed to help PL1 get the door(isn't it AMAZING how much help humans really need??)It was our downstairs neighbor and she needed to borrow a cup of white(this is important to remember for this story) sugar. So PL1 went to the pantry to get it for her.

Pl1 went back to what he was doing (PL2 wasn't at home at the time) and all of a sudden he heard some funny noises coming from the kitchen.So he went back into the kitchen AND FOUND THIS....................

A bag of brown sugar right? DO YOU SEE WHERE IT IS???DOES THAT MATERIAL LOOK FAMILIAR????????? Take another look......

ON MY BED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And then my bed GOT FLIPPED AROUND SIDEWAYS!!!!!!!!!

PL1 had no idea who the culprit was( don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure this one out) PL2 taught me you ALWAYS put the sugar in a BOWL when you bake.......So he went to go find us to see if he could figure out who did it.....Notice a little BROWN tinge on the top of ARCHIES nose????? Not enough evidence for you???

HOW ABOUT THIS???????????????????? I of course DID NOT PARTAKE IN THIS EVENT AT ALL......... Archie got cleaned up and then went to brood in his bed.......

He thought he was unjustly picked as the culprit ARE YOU KIDDING ME????

I just silently shook my head( note I am in my new crate which is quite comfortable and came with a lovely pillow)

IT IS NOT EASY LET ME TELL YOU.......(maybe this will sweeten him up,although the fig newtons didn't..are you seing a theme here??)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A book,T-Touch,a torture instrument and A MASSIVE SUBTERFUGE

Well,this has been QUITE an interesting week. We received a package in the mail and it had Lacie and Scruffy and Stanleys adress and smell on it, so we got all excited and ran to open it,ONLY TO FIND THIS........and they did not send it MUMSIE DID....WHAT THE @(*&#(&^$(that is an HBO word) is this??????????? Look at it closer.......

JAWS OF DEATH Right?? It is called A RAKE(not at all what I called it) and it is used for dogs like us that have 2 is an instrument of torutre... do not use this ... IS SHE CRAZY??????????? Lacie sent us a box of treats to go with it because she was apoligising for Mumsie sending it as she KNOWS it is a torture device........
If that isn't enough PL2 got this book about T Touch. What is T touch you ask?? PL2 is not really sure SO SHE IS GOING TO EXPERIMENT ON US.... it has something to do with massage and calming dogs and helping with dogs that have "issues" YES WE HAVE ISSUES HAVE YOU BEEN READING THIS POST??!!!!Then we got a fun thing in the mail form Butchy and Snickers(thankyou B+S ) You read it and take some tests and then it tells you what kind of dog you would be......HAH PL2 took it... We thought she would be some whacky carzy kind BUT NO......She would be ....
A siberian husky!!!!! Ha HA and she is sick of snow so I guess that was ok...(to get back at her for the rake....)
Here is the all time WORST PART..... See this?? You all know what this is right? MY CRATE!!! See all my stickers from my earth dog games???? Well all my stuff was on the top and PL2 said don't worry Aggie I am just cleaning it.....How about we 3 go to Jamaca Pond and Pl1 has ALOT of stuff to do so he will stay home and do it...OK we said....

So off we went....
Walking along checking out the scenes.......
Looking in the water........
Trying to drag PL2 into the water.....

Checking out the ducks......
Found this extrodinary interesting branch.......

Sat for some apple......

Saw these 2 kids( talk about having a temper...geesh.......a little touchy these 2...
And what the heck are they doing here????? Upside down??
So we came home and I went into the kitchen to take a nap in my crate..AND FOUND THIS...WHAT THE (*&^%&%#^ IS THIS??? THIS IS NOT MY CRATE.....
He SWITCHED my crate when we were gone to this one.. DID HE THINK I WOULDN"T NOTICE?????????????? And WHY you might ask .. WHY WAS my crate switched????? For this kid............. I know I know he is a cute kid and all that but will he know how to take proper care of it?? You see when we arrived here as puppies PL1+2's friend Leah (who is a vet) lent them MY CRATE...and now she just got that kid and a rescue dog and she needs it back.... Well I suppose it is ok, and my crate is the same as Archies and he said it is great for flat screen TV's and I could get TIVO...which wouldn't really fit in my old I guess that kid can have it..... We will tell you more about these 2 kids later,I have to calm down a little....

Now we have to figure out how to hide that rake and the T touch book....we'll get back to ya.....

Friday, September 12, 2008

Bored and Beds

So it was kind of a boring day...and now it is raining(it looked like it was going to rain all day..) We thought we were up for a good game of bitey face but then we decided we were even too bored for that.........Look ..don't we look bored??????

And then PL2 decided she had to vacuum and as she was vacuuming she noticed something..That we have ALOT OF BEDS...........

This is one of our beds in the kitchen(jointly used)

This is MY bed in the kitchen ABSOLUTELY NOT JOINTLY USED....

Archie's bed but lately he has let me use it a little....... in the laundry room..
Archie's bed in the laundry room , mostly his but sometimes I pop in.....
Well this is for both of us but Archie uses this the most. It is in the living room......
And then while vacuuming PL2 found this in Archie's bed...A PEN!!!!!!!

HA HA!! And then she moved the bed to vacuum and found pen stain On THE WOOD FLOOR(good one huh Joey??!)

This is the couch in the living room..... they think we don't go on it but does any remember WHERE Archie ate his fig newtons?????
The window sill in the fireplace room.....mostly mine
The little couch in the fireplace room(PL2 has given up covering it...)ALL MINE
Another one of these beds in the fireplace room .. joint use....
In the fire place room...hardly used(well it is sooo skinny why would we?)

In PL1's computer room... all Archies even though it says Agatha.... His got all grossed out with chewie and Archie stuff... so I let him use mine
THE PRIZE.........the bed next to THE BIG BED in the bedroom.. Used twice by Archie..Yes that's right I said twice.... We were good for 2 nights sleeping in PL1+2's bedroom and then on the third night we kind of, uh,,,,,got into a little scuffle(TOTALLY HIS FAULT) so we are back in the kitchen..) There used to be bed skirt but when we had mice PL2 was afraid they would crawl up the bed skirt onto the bed and she FREAKED out and took it off....( if we slept in there she wouldn't have this problem.)

THE OTHER PRIZE WHERE I WAS in the big bedroom......
The sofa in the the bedroom...joint use...

That's fourteen places to go... We don't think that we have enough beds .... PL2 tends to disagree.....
PS Don't tell PL2 but she forgot 2 more...MY BOMB SHELTER BED( strictly absolutely MINE MINE MINE) and the bed over my bomb shelter(joint use)