Well our pals
Petey and
Penny,Poppy and Patches tagged Archie so he is going to play.......I am getting ready for
Sophies visit.I will let my brother go first although I think I am going to regret this......
What is your name? Archie
What is your full name?Superior Archie( really no kidding that is my kennel name...)
If you could change your name, what would it be? King Archie ruler of the Universe
What's your pet's name? Agatha( ha ha
hee hee oh boy.....that is good)
If you could change your pet's name, what would it be?
Ummmmm I better not answer this one or I could get into a lot of trouble
What's your brother or sister's name?
hhmmph Agatha
If you could change their name, what would it be? Plead the fifth again
OK that is quite enough from him..I KNEW that wouldn't be good...There is another tag going around about what is on your frig..We think this is a really good one for us AS OUR FRIG BROKE!!!!!! Oh yeah....this is just great..in the middle of the summer..We have 2 coolers with ice that has to be changed.. alot.. and we LOVE to eat and that is NOT enough room for all of us... PL1+2 have been eating out a lot( like they are sad about that) and the new frig is coming on Thursday..I hope we can make it.. but here is what is on the old frig( and PL2
Can you see the picture of the Welsh Terrier above the I "heart" welsh terrier sign? That is Reggie, PL1+2's dog before us.See that there is a piece of a twenty dollar bill in with his picture? One day they came home and opened the door and found this piece of the bill.... and not the other piece..because he ATE it !!!! What a kid! He sounds like he was a barrel of laughs! We wish we could have known him!!!!

Are you picking up on the theme of this frig?????
I have been getting ready for Ms
Sophies visit. I bought a new blender and fixed up my bomb shelter. But Archie said she might not fit under there so I pulled out a lot of my toys so she has easy access to them..............

Archie has been doing some painting to spruce up the place.. only thing is no one quite knows where he is painting and where he got this pink paint on his foot from......

I am just taking a small nap before I continue on..........