Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Scary picture for Deetz
Saturday, April 26, 2008
MAY 10th IT IS OFFICIAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you are not a terrier you may not know what this is.........For us terriers this is the greatest thing on earth,what we were made for...this is not for the weak hearted......it is the tunnel in an EARTHDOG TRIAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And at the end of that tunnel ,is...............

This is me last year when I first met the rat(when I was just starting out in this profession)
Thursday, April 24, 2008
The Boston Marathon
Here we are checking them out......
We had already come back and he was on his way up so I am telling him good places to watch from.
Just a lovely spring shot.......
Monday, April 21, 2008
"We interrupt this news broadcast to share with you a very important message we just received from our two roving Boston reporters Agatha and Archie..."
THEY HAVE BEEN NOMINATED FOR APRIL'S AMAZING BLOG AWARD ON DWB!!!!!!!!!!!!(their nominator is unconfirmed as yet except we do know she lives in NYC,just came back from a fabulous trip in Rome and is known as Ms Urbanista in many, many circles)When asked how they felt about receiving this nomination our roving reporters said they were stunned,and wordless, except it did remind them of there all too brief nomination during the 2004 Democratic Presidential Convention(which happened to take place in Boston if you remember)
Here they are during Senators Obama's first big speech ,which was in Boston,(which PL1+2 happened to see since they were there but that is another story) while they whisper little things to him........
They are beyond excited and would like to ask for your vote(voting ends on April 26th and all polls will be thoroughly checked and monitored.You will need your dog tag but no picture ID is necessary)
"Ask not what you can do for your blog,but what your blog can do for you......."
This message has been approved by Agatha and Archie who will fill you in on today's Boston Marathon in the next post....
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Just me and PL2
I told him to put his feet up on the wall to stretch the muscles...........
PL2 decided that I needed a good walk to take off some energy before the company came( that plus bendryl may work) so she decided to take JUST ME!! here to our 2cd favorite place next to the Arboretum.......and it was just the girls!!!This was the first time we have been since the fall!!!
PL2 says always look before crossing the road.......
These are rocks that Archie loves to go onto the top of and look down on me.......
This is a kid named Amy I met..... I think the bow on her head was making her a little nuts....see that snarl??If Archie was here he would go to her head and I would go to her back,...it makes them nuts!!! I bet she wouldn't have snarled then.....
So pretty,Archie likes to go on the dock and bark at the ducks and geese.....
If Archie was here he would try to go into the water to chase that duck....
Look these guys are fishing!!
So we went all the way around and it was great to be back here...... This is the pole that Archie likes to pee on on the way out......
Look the leaves onthe willows are coming in!
So we had a good time,but I'll let you in a little secret(and I will deny I ever said this) I kind of wish Archie was with us..I missed him...
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
A Day at the Arboretum by the Great Safari Hunter Agatha
It was another lovely day,not 70 but 54 still better than what it has been and PL2 was off and said she did not feel like being inside today at all...so off we went to the greatest place the Arboretum of course(we can't wait to show you Lilac Sunday pictures when all of the lilacs are in bloom..we want to get smell o vision too if we can)So each time we go we increase the length to get Archie back in shape(the Boston Marathon is this Monday but we don't think he will be ready)and we were on the grass walking.........and I stopped ....and jumped way back and cocked my head.....and pounced...and jumped back and cocked my head........and pounced again.....PL2 said why are you so freaked Aggie???? and went over to where I was jumping back and forth to
AND SAW THIS.....................
PL2 here..Aggie it actually wasnt a rattle snake but more like a green garter snake like this.....
Oh like she would really know because once she and Archie realized what it was..
THEY WERE OUT OF THERE DRAGGING ME ALONG!!!!!In fact I don't think we have ever seen PL2 move that fast.......If she had only stayed I think I could have had it....it was raising its head and looking RIGHT AT ME.At first I will admit I was a bit stunned,I mean I have never seen one before.and now,now that we are all home safe and sound this is what Archie is doing
PL2 said that for the rest of the walk I looked like I was laughing and kept looking at her and Arch .. I WAS what a bunch of wussies..........And so begins my hunting season.........
Sunday, April 13, 2008
A wish,a meme and a award
Linda's Make A Wish Meme.theRules1. Think about what it is that you want more than anything, what your heart's desire and fondest wish is, and what it is that you would wish for if you were to see the above wishing star flame across the night sky.2. Right click and SAVE the blank graphic above.3. Use a graphics program of your choice and place your wish on this picture:4. Post the Make A Wish Meme and your wishing star on your blog along with these rules.5. Tag as many people as you like so that there can be wishing stars all across the Blogosphere and ask them to please link back to Linda so that we can see what wishes others have made and share those wishes with others.
We know many people have been asked to do this wish and we are not sure who hasn't yet so please those people who have not yet wished please do!!
And Snickers tagged Agatha to do the middle name game.......
Here are the rules:1. You have to post the rules before you give your answers.2. You must list one fact about yourself beginning with each letter of your middle name. (If you don't have a middle name, use your maiden name or your mother's maiden name).3. At the end of your blog post, you need to tag one person (or blogger of another species) for each letter of your middle name. Now this posed a very large problem for me...I have no middle name!!! My dear pal Koobie said choose Annie and then I could be Agatha Annie and Asta Marie said I could use Ami and I thought and thought and then it hit me!!! PL1+2 used to call me little cupcake,and then somehow it morphed into Mrs. Cake(this may be our next blog.....nicknames that we have!!) So I will use CAKE!!!!!!!!!
K=Kafkaesque(or kleptomaniac)
Archie doesn't have a middle name either but somehow his nick name has become Boy Oh Boy( that is from PL1+2,My nickname for him is somewhat different....) So he would like to use Oh(Come on you guys...IT'S Archie!!!)
O=one of a kind(I'LL SAY......)
And last but not least our dear pal Blue awarded us with this......