Friday, February 29, 2008
He's a believer!!( and I am in a heap of trouble)

Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Trip 2 to the Chiropractor
photo by Ms Asta
So yes Noah,Archie perhaps HAD been overdoing it a bit, and did hurt himself again(geesh,boys)So he was almost back to square one.Well the Dr said that he"held" the points that she had done and that indeed he had hurt his"bad"side and that was what she was going to work on today anyway.So.....PL1 held on to his collar and held up his hand and 1,2,3 she "tested" the points ,took out the "hole puncher"thing and adjusted him.She said that we should see a difference by tomorrow. Here's the weird thing....He went in with his tail between his legs,and not putting any pressure on his right side, and left, tail up and putting a little pressure on it!!(if you have any eery music play it now) Then she did me(12 seconds and that was done) and I made a bee line to the front door......PL1 said he will wait until tomorrow to see if it works and then make a judgement....and PL2???For some reason she is putting a lot of faith into this!!!!!So he is on a bit of restricton again and will go back in two days......
photo by Ms Asta
Monday, February 25, 2008
What Academy Awards????

It was awarded to us by our prestigious welshie and dale friends from across the ocean Taffy and Molly.We are particularily pleased to get this award to cheer us up as Archie seems to have hurt his back again.He did it outside in the stupid slushy gross snow yesterday and now he yelps a little getting up,but he isn't limping so that's good. Perhaps it had something to do with the MAYHEM he caused in the house(see last post)(the book was pretty funny though) or the LAPS he has been doing around the house. You may be wondering what views PL1+2 have on this?? PL2 says that he maybe he felt so much better after his adjustment that he overdid it. PL1 thinks....crock of @%$^% and I can't believe we are going back there.....Keep ya posted!!!!!! We would like to award this most coveted award to............Ms Sophie Brador and Ms Faya and Ms Asta 3 chic,glamourous babes on the blog(and funky too) See ,who needs the Academy?????
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Memoirs of a bored dog by Archie
On closer inspection I noted that it was delicious an extra bonus in a book I always say.....the spine was particularily tasty........
The corner wasn't bad either.......
And the other corner??Just as tasty!!!!!!! She has been trying to read it and all we hear are words that sound something VERY SIMILAR to HBO words that I learned while in solitary confinement...
Remember those steps that PL2 bought so I could gently go up to the couch????Agatha is investigating how I got them upside down AND ABSOLUTLEY NOWHERE NEAR THE COUCH!!!!!!(tee hee my lips are sealed!!!)
Now PL1 is in the process of getting rid of some old records and he left a large stack on the floor.....near my bed........This is surfing supreme...YOU DO NOT EVEN HAVE TO STAND UP!! In fact you can surf LYING DOWN!!!!!!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
So our appoinment was at 6:30pm right in the middle of rush hour which went over well with the PL's.So we got there and the Dr was explaining what she does which is chiropratic kinesiology(or that is what PL2 thinks she said)so she had PL1 hold on to Archie's collar and then he held out his hand and she pressed points on Archie and tapped on Pl1's hand.If the point on Archie was weak PL'2"s hand would go down and that is how she could tell where Archie's weak points were.Then she took this thing that looked like a hole puncher and pressed on the weak points She said that his pelvis was twisted and he was compensating with his left side. She also said that it seemed like he had a front face type injury when he was young(one of PL's friends actually did drop him on his first day home RIGHT ON HIS HEAD!!! true story!)Then she did me and said I was a lot stronger(And they needed to pay for this??) but my right side was little weak.Now PL1+2 are both children of the 60's but I must interject this story with the point that in this family PL1 is not shall we say as alternative as PL2 so PL2 was enthralled and PL1 was...how shall we say....thinking it was MALARKEY!!!! Then PL2 told her about my pending ultrasound results and my ahem pee problems. She said that very often this is from a food allergy and she then had PL2 hold my collar and hold out her hand and then(and this is where she totally lost PL1 and I must say PL2 was becoming a bit sceptical) she ASKED ME if I was allergic to chicken and to beef! and tapped PL2's hand!! Pl1 was ROLLING HIS EYES and laughing. And being the proffessor that he is began to challenge her. Pl2 being the ever so polite one went along with it.....Well we left there( and we all think we noticed that Arch was walking a little better) and got home and there was a message from the Vet about my ultrasound...NO STONES!!! NO NOTHING!!! HOORRRRRAAAAAYYYY!!!!!! But here is the really really strange part....she said I do have 2 kinds of crystals in my pee and they were all talking about me and they think.....SIT DOWN FOR THIS ONE!!!!! that I may have A FOOD ALLERGY to CHICKEN AND OR BEEF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!So PL2 has to give them a list of everything I eat and they are going to take it to the Nutritionist.Is that freaky OR WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So now PL2 is loving this stuff,PL2 thinks it is a crock of @#$ and PL2 said that if it works for Archie she is going to do it and PL1 said go ahead waste your money......
Sunday, February 17, 2008
One new toy,three ways to play with it.....
Then there is my approach which is to play with it myself while I try TO RIP IT TO SHREDS
Then part two is"oh we dropped it.......)
Part three is to FLY off of the bed,grab both and steal them and then your brother will fall asleep in frustration....tee hee hee IT IS THE GREATEST GAME!!!!!!
Health Update in the A+A house
As for me I am a little stressed out .You may remember a few months ago I had some "pee' problems. Well I had them again last night and had to go to the emergency room doctor and she said she thinks I have a bladder stone(s). BLADDER STONE!! I don't even like stones so how they got there is anyones guess. So on Tues morning I have to have an ultrasound and the Dr said if it is one kind of stone it will be a diet change and if it is another.....GASP........surgery! So I am hoping it is the diet kind myself and so is Arch and PL1+2. So Tues will be a busy day and we will have lots to tell you!!! We will show you the place we went for a walk yesterday(it was a garbage dump turned into a park..nothing but the best for us)Will show you that tomorrow!! And the new toys we got!!(mine is about gone)
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Well we are ready for fun and frolicking at Koobies party!!!!!Now although Archie really wants to be doing this

PL2 said NO WAY ARCHIE you have to relax and stay in the Lodge with Harry because you are going to see your Chiropractor Tues and we don't want MORE injuries.SO he is going to have a spot with Harry and he is also planning on using the jacuzzi............
In case you are wondering that is Lacie and Archie and I ahem am next to uh,SCRUFFY.
I can't WAIT to wear my new ski outfit.......
Weather Prediction:Freezing,Snow,Sleet and Rain for this afternoon
Saturday, February 9, 2008
A sucker in every crowd
They are funky slippers that look like..........MOPS underneath!!!!(please note that my brother is in the left hand side of the picture)...
So you walk around normally and while you are walking you are MOPPING THE FLOOR!!!(PL1 just shook his head when he saw these on her and burst out laughing )Archie was very interested in these slippers.......
And right after the next picture he GRABBED one, made a quick dash down the hall( the mistake was he did not wear the slipper to dust but rather shook it VIOLENTLY and)...well you can guess the rest of the story. We have no pillows to rest our heads on to have sweet dreams,PL2 is back using the swifter wearing one green shoe and can not do it with Archie around because he wants that other shoe BAD, and PL1 just waits for the next package to arrive in the mail......
A Tribute

So raise a toast to our dearest cousin Mona tonight my pals.....
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Awards ,Chiropracters Stuffies,and Baseball

as Archie was taking his injury so well( did I hear that right??? taking it so well????????????) Well it really did cheer him up thankyou!!!...and Jans Funny Farm gave us this lovely award.....Thankyou so much kids!!!! And our pal Koobie gave us this award:
I think she meant to give it to me but included Archie as well(ONLY KIDDING) Thankyou dear little Koobie!!You have all cheered us right up!!!! We are going to sit down tonight and decide who to pass these on to!!! And Mumsie and Scruffy and Lacie and BabyStan sent PL2 these adorable stuffies that look just like us!!!!! And Lacie practiced her bandaging nursing skills where the knees are for Archie!!! But it is sad because PL2 doesn't really know how to destroy her stuffies and kill them.We tried to show her but to no avail.......
Well we went and this vet who we have known for a long time said it was BOTH HIS KNEE AND BACK!!! and perhaps his back was bad because of his knee ! Well this made great sense to the 4 of us!!! She gave us lots of supplements and then said we both need to go to a ............. CHIROPRACTER!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will repeat that sentence WE BOTH need to go!!! Now as far as I was concerned I was moral support,so what up??? She said that because we are terriers and pull and strain to get to things( well duh that is our job) we pull on our backs and necks and knees etc and this would help! She also said that maybe that was why we have our little spats because Archie has a bad back and my nagging him sets him off. WELL I NEVER.. That shows you how good she is.... how about the fact that he tries to steal my food,bed,toys, you name it?? Think maybe that is it Miss Smarty Pants! PAH what does she know...so we are also going for something that PL2 does not really know what it is,something like NAT and kinesiology to help with behaviour( I'll tell you what could help with behaviour but I would be using HBO words)This ought to be ripe,I am sure we will have a lot to tell all of you!!
So we continue on,adn we got to talking and decided that all in all it was a great season(except for the end of course) and now......IT IS 2 WEEKS TO BASEBALL SPRING TRAINING CAMP!!!!!!
Sunday, February 3, 2008
What a Weekend!!!

Friday, February 1, 2008



Do you see who we are rooting for???Subtle huh!!!! We are so excited about this whole weekend we can hardly wait.Not only the greatest football the Super Bowl but also the greatest party ever with Joey,Tanner,Gussie AND ALL OF OUR FAVORTIE PALS!!!!! This is the Vespa Arch rented in case he gets tired,and it will fit right on Air Ruby......

But she doesn't know he also rented this when he wants to impress all the girls( Asta,Snickers,Sophie,Ruby,ect)

We packed a few goodies for the plane and now we are just going to wait for Air Ruby and all of our pals!!!!!!!!!!We will fill you in on Archies holistic adventures after the SUPER BOWL!!
GO PATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!