Saturday, September 29, 2007

A walk around the Reservoir

We took a walk around the Chesnut Hill Reservoir.I think we had way more fun than they did because they kept complaining about these little teeny bugs that were in swarms that they thought they were breathing( as if...) but Archie nearly caught a chipmunk!!!!!!!

It is a lovely reservoir.

As we were turning the corner Archie saw them.....Some of his biggest enemies and REALLY EVIL..........


3 SWANS!!!!!!!!!!! Now one might ask why he has a disliking to these lovely birds... They are evil and mean AND NOT VERY NICE!!! AND they are not at all afraid of him and hiss at him( which really makes him madder)

He alerted me to their presence and we decided to gang up on them together but those suckers are fast and swam on....

This swan looks like he is flipping us the bird(hee hee a little humor there get it?!)

So we continued on our merry way( as PL1+2 kept swearing louder and louder at the teeny bugs that were attacking them)

AND THEN IT HAPPENED....a chipmunk ran out RIGHT IN FRONT OF ARCHIE and had a moment of indecision...stared him right in the eyes and ran right next to him!!!!!!!!

Did they catch it on film...were they right there on it catching his (almost) triumphant moment??NOoooooooooo..PL2 went flying and nearly dropped the camera,PL1 nearly had his arm pulled out of its socket,PL2 thought she was filming it BUT FILMED HER SNEAKERS and anyway there was a lot of what sounded to me like swear words during the whole event....Anyway we were right near the end of the walk(PL2 said she was glad because she felt like she had breathed in 4000 of those bugs) so we had a little drink and called it a day..Geesh maybe next time I'll take the camera.......

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Archie Here Defending myself

Now if I had been choosing my own car this is what I would pick..........


The Car Game

We have been tagged by our pals the Thuglets( THE GREATEST NAME and what a bunch of great kids!!! to think of cars that would match our personalities.Being the spokesdog of my small(in comparison to the Thuglets) pack I have decided to do the choosing for my brother and myself. I of course chose myself first,really not a hard choice,and immediately came up with the following.....

The 2007 Rolls Royce Phantom

What a beauty,sleek,classic,stylish,smart,goodlooking,clever,funny(I know ,that is rare in a car).The car of all for my brother............

The 1952 Chevy description needed

If you haven't been tagged yet consider yourself tagged!!!!!!!(everyone!!)

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Air Ruby We are ready to Paahhty!!!!!!!

Champagne is cooling,presents are wrapped,I am particularily fond of my brother as we are going to PAAAAAAAAAAAHTY!!!!!(as we say in Boston!)We were kind of in the dog house as PL2 had company and we were a bit naughty(tee hee) so we were only allowed to go to one party.But we are ready to break out dance, eat some ribs and corn and maybe a little rodeo!!!!!YEEEEEHAAAAAW here we come!! A+A

Friday, September 21, 2007

I'm not sure if we are making progress

OK,We have been having classes(taught by yours truly) on how to use your bed.....this is where we are at......

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Thankyou Asta!

Our dear friend Asta has given us this award and we humbly accept.We would like to pass it on to Jackson ,Stanley,and Wally because they rock.Actually we would like everyone to have it!!!!!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

What We did Today

Well we had a lovely day.We started out by talking to all our pals on Busters weekly chat( we ate breakfast and relaxed while chatting and then read the paper after) Then we went over to the Bone Zone on DWB's and voted for our little Sweetpea Asta up over for Blog of the month,then we needed to take a little nap,and then PL1+2 decided to take us to the Arboretum( way before there could be any coyote sitings if you know what I mean) While there I took some more stunning film of myself and my brother( How I will be able to accept all of the awards on Oscar night I just don't know and I will have to buy SO many new ball gowns....)The first film(note the lighting and coloring) is of my brother and myself doing some prep work prior to actually walking around.This lasted for quite some time... Now our friend Stanley has a name for this but we can't remember what it is. My second film is an action adventure production of my brother and myself preparing for our next Earthday event(in October) by digging.....The end is a little rough as PL2 grabbed the camera from me and screwed it up.( I probobly won't get an award because she goofed it up,ah well one less gown I guess)

Can you see our mouths????? Oh my dog,WHAT IS UP WITH ARCHIES MOUTH???WHAT IS THAT?????

I am exhausted(Archie is still at his post) and I have to get ready for this evenings activities.....Red Sox AND Patriots games!!! Bye everyone.....A+A

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Friday, September 14, 2007

There are no words.......

Will he ever get how to use this bed?????????

( is upside down.....)

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Shanah Tovah everyone!!

Our very dear friend Leah( who happens to also be a vet so that is why she ALWAYS thinks of us) dropped this off for us......

Did you notice the 2 little ones? THEY ARE FOR US!!!!!!

Archie is really excited........... I nibbled mine slowly and he ate his whole without chewing it!!

The big one was for PL1+2( who said it was fabulous!!! )Shanah Tovah!!!!! Here's to a sweet, happy healthy and peacefull New Year( with lots of cookies too) Love and kisses A+A

Monday, September 10, 2007

Our First Attempt at an Award Winning Movie Entitled.....

Keeping Archie Agatha (writer,director,producer)

You'll laugh, you'll cry, never before has a film shown such emotion....The 2 stars in this film will certainly be up for Academy Awards and the Director/writer/producer / is one of the most talented we may have ever seen.The writer would like all who see this fantastic film to note the ending shot......BREATHTAKING...........

Saturday, September 8, 2007

CHECK OUT THIS TOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now for all our non foxie friends this toy may not appeal to you as much as to us. LOOK AT THE LABEL!!! Now not only is it a fabulously entertaining toy( although just a wee bit loud on a hard floor) but it has a charming model on the packaging! Your PL stuffs it with cookies and then you pretend to kick it around a little pretendeing that you can't figure out how to get the cookies out of the bottle and then when they leave the room you unscrew the cap,take out the cookies, screw the cap back on and then throw it a thousand times across the floor.

Archie with his.....(stepping on it doesn't make the cookies come out faster but......)

Here I am enjoying the tasty morsels after I have shaken them out......

Finishing up the crumbs....

Archie sniffing the wrong end still trying to get the morsels out....... (Notice I have allowed him to take his Foxie out of by bomb shelter..... )

And in case you were curious,all is back to normal in my bomb shelter(I am now getting it ready for a "girls night out"party as many of my girlfriends have discussed with me. I am just having a little trouble finding a plug for the blender for the drinks and the frig may not fit.......

This is just Archie trying to be like his idol Stanley.......who he thinks is way cool........

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Well. I am in a state of shock. PL 2 decided to do a little cleaning this weekend and decided that she should take it upon herself TO CLEAN OUT MY BOMB SHELTER!!! Did I ask her to do that? Did I say wow , my bomb shelter is really a mess do you think you could help a girl out a little and help me clean it?? A thousand no I tell you!! DOES SHE KNOW HOW LONG IT TOOK FOR ME TO ARRANGE ALL MY( I mean our) TOYS UNDER THERE!!!!!!!

First she brought out this thing..... Archie FLEW out of there and went into the big bedroom to help PL2 in there.....I didn't see what he was doing but it must have been very involved because it took him quite awhile.....

I came back into the room and found toys PILED UP ON THE DESK............

And looked into my bomb shelter AND FOUND THIS.........

Oh what happened FORGET ONE BALL??You better start all over again....

AND THEN THIS..........

I don't keep my pillow LIKE THAT ON MY BED!!!(but HA HA,, You didn't see PL1's sock there!!!!!!) I spent the next 2 hours rearranging what had taken me quite some time to arrange just so............

And where is my brother during this crisis?????